Cakewalk by bandlab vst plugins
Cakewalk by bandlab vst plugins

cakewalk by bandlab vst plugins

If it does, you should be able to load AT5 by using any of the several methods to Insert Audio FX. When it's completed, check to see Amplitube 5 appears in one or both of Plug-in Categories VST Audio Effects (VST) and VST3 Audio Effects (VST3). (Occasionally the scan throws up an error message or two - if so, correct whatever is up).

cakewalk by bandlab vst plugins cakewalk by bandlab vst plugins

Back in the Plug-in Manager, press Scan VST Plug-ins and let it do its thing. If that's OK, still on the Options page, select the two Re-scan. Check via - Utilities - Plug-in Manager - VST Configuration - Options. Have you ensured that the paths to the AT5 plug is one of the paths configured in Cakewalk? This may be 2 different paths if you elected to install VST and VST3 versions of AT5.

Cakewalk by bandlab vst plugins